“They operate with a level of humility and integrity we founders don't often see from investors - creates massive trust and leads to much deeper insights.”

Angie Moody
(CEO of Ruby Money)

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    refer image of interview, shaking hands

    J4 Ventures announces partnership with Refer!

    Refer! Flipping recruiting upside down

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    J4 Ventures announces partnership with Reset!

    Reset! Providing access to wages when earned vs paid

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    J4 Ventures announces partnership with Take2 AI!

    Take2 AI! AI-powered job simulation platform for sales recruiting & training

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    J4 Ventures announces partnership with Scout!

    Scout! Securing the financial health of college atheletes.

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    J4 Ventures announces partnership with Spiffy AI!

    Spiffy AI! Creating continuously improving AI.

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    J4 Ventures announces partnership with Wordware!

    Wordware! Simplifying deployment of the LLM stack.

J4| 3 Decades of Venture, 25 Years in Big Tech, 50 Years in Academia, 100+ M&A Transactions, 500+ Investments, 2,500+ Former Employees, 5,000+ LinkedIn Connections, 20,000+ CS and MBA Students, ∞ Opportunities.

We seek early stage opportunities with
exceptional entrepreneurs
who are addressing large markets that are technology based or enabled

Founders quotes from Diana Tsai, Angie Moody, Ryan Fuller, Sasha Seymore

Contact Us

We’re looking for the next world changing partnership. Please contact us and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.